lauantai 14. elokuuta 2010

Puppy news/pentuja

Pluto poika etsii kotia / Pluto is looking for a home

Isä/father:Tikru, Pipsqueak I'm Wild Mohican
Emä/dam:Doris, Hamrya's Happy to Be at Sopisco

lisää tietoa ja tiedustelut / More information & inquiries


Puppies at Kennel Betty Barkley in Germany

born 11.8.2010 / 5 boys and 3 bitches
Momo with puppies

litters father is Koda,Ch Pipsqueak Kelju K Kojootti
and mother is Momo, Ch Bettey Barkley's Emotion

More information on Betty Barkley website

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